Documents & Technical Information

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Note: Documents with the asterisk (*) are provided only in English.

    SPC = L1B spectrum [V/cm-1]
    RAD = Spectral radiance [W/cm2/str/cm-1]
    CNV = Radiometric conversion coefficient [W/cm2/str/cm-1/(V/cm-1)]
    WN = Wavenumber [cm-1]

  CNV file format ex. CNV(B1):
    WN(Band1), CNV(Band1P_gainH), CNV(Band1S_gainH), CNV(Band1P_gainM), CNV(Band1S_gainM)

  Conversion equation:
    RAD[WN] = SPC[WN] * CNV[WN]

    August 8, 2016, Updated for V201.x
    (1) Band 1 (Gain_H) Modified amplitude and intensity dependent non-linearity correction + SINUC
    (2) Band 1 (Gain_M) Major Change: no more amplitude and intensity dependent non-linearity correction + SINUC
    (3) Band 2 + SINUC (Sampling Interval Non-Uniformity Correction), Low Frequency Correction, DC subtraction
    (4) Band 3 + SINUC, Low Frequency Correction, DC subtraction
    (5) Average of Forward and Backward

    Radiometric Conversion factor for V201 (JapanesePDF)

For CNV file download
*GOSAT FTS Polarization Model Description (EnglishPDF)
  WL = Wavelength [nm]
  SRF = Normalized spectral response function [a.u.]

 SRF file format ex. SRF(B1):
  WL(B1), SRF(B1)

  April 23, 2009 (Algorithm Version: 006, Parameter Version: 006, Date: 090423)
  (1) SRF is evaluated by multiplying of filter optics transmittance and detector response.
  (2) Si CCDs are used for B1, B2 and B3, while InGaAs for B4.

For SRF file download : Click hereexcel

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The explanation of the 'GOSAT Path Calendar' is here.

GOSAT Path Calendar (2025) (EnglishPDF, JapanesePDF)

GOSAT Path Calendar (2024) (EnglishPDF, JapanesePDF)

GOSAT Path Calendar (2023) (EnglishPDF, JapanesePDF)

GOSAT Path Calendar (2022) (EnglishPDF, JapanesePDF)

GOSAT Path Calendar (2021) (EnglishPDF, JapanesePDF)

GOSAT Path Calendar (2020) (EnglishPDF, JapanesePDF)

GOSAT Path Calendar (2019) (EnglishPDF, JapanesePDF)

GOSAT Path Calendar (2018) (EnglishPDF, JapanesePDF)

GOSAT Path Calendar (2017) (EnglishPDF, JapanesePDF)

GOSAT Path Calendar (2016) (EnglishPDF, JapanesePDF)

GOSAT Path Calendar (2015) (EnglishPDF, JapanesePDF)

GOSAT Path Calendar (2014) (EnglishPDF, JapanesePDF)

GOSAT Path Calendar (2013) (EnglishPDF, JapanesePDF)

GOSAT Path Calendar (2012) (EnglishPDF, JapanesePDF)

GOSAT Path Calendar (2011) (EnglishPDF, JapanesePDF)

GOSAT Path Calendar (2010) (EnglishPDF, JapanesePDF)

GOSAT Path Calendar (2009) (EnglishPDF, JapanesePDF)

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After the pointing mirror mechanism of TANSO-FTS was switched to its backup system on January 28, 2015. Mesh Pattern 3 in the GOSAT Standard Mesh Point (SMP) is selected for the standard mesh observation mode.
The coordinate data of SMP are available from the following link.

  • 2015/01/28 03:12 (UT) - : Pattern 3
  • 2014/09/11 04:10 (UT) - 2014/12/14 22:50 (UT) : Pattern 1
  • 2014/05/30 23:00 (UT) - 2014/09/11 04:10 (UT) : Pattern 1 or 3
  • 2010/08/01 - 2014/05/30 23:00 (UT) : Pattern 3
  • 2009/06/26 03:00 (UT) - 2010/08/01 : Pattern 5
  • 2009/04/23 - 2009/06/26 03:00 (UT) : Pattern 5 (Old Mesh Pattern)
Old 5 points observation pattarn of GOSAT SMPzip

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